My Life, My Obsessions

Sunday, July 19, 2009

In the process of moving...

We're in the process of moving, so I've been going through stuff that I haven't looked at for years. I know. If I haven't even seen it in the past two years, I probably should get rid of it. I am trying to prove to my husband that I'm not a pack rat, but there are some things that just shouldn't be thrown out.

When we were teenagers, my sister and I didn't always get along. I'm sure it frustrated my mom. I feel the same when my kids don't get along. So, one time, Mom made us list ten things we liked about each other. This is what my sister wrote.

How can you not like someone that likes you because you're "clean," "get to drive," and "don't smell that bad." Pretty endearing. That's how my husband and I got together. He didn't smell too bad plus he could drive. That equaled our first date.



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