Horsey socks
My daughter has an overly developed imagination. Some of it comes from playing with her older brother, but there's a fair amount that comes straight from her three year old mind. One night, while I was laying on the couch, she assaulted my feet, demanding "horsies, wake up." So I moved my feet. She was thrilled. She then got out pillows and a blanket for my feet and put her "horsies" to bed. I'm still not sure why she had to wake them up to put them to bed.
Since that night, my feet have remained her horsies, though they did go through a brief period as doggies. She will follow me around as I make dinner, telling my feet to wake up and bringing imaginary bird seed for her foot-horsies to eat. She talks to them, telling them to eat or saying "good boy." She pets them and keeps them well cared for, giving them money, pillows and imaginary food. She's totally devoted to her horsies. I'm sure you can imagine how excited I was when her own feet became her horsies and she started leaving mine alone -most of the time.
Because I like to feed into the madness, I made her two horsey socks. My husband recommended a nice long mane so that she would stop putting clips in his hair. She loves her new horsey socks. Unfortunately she said her horsies don't like to have their picture taken, so my hand is the model in the picture.