My Life, My Obsessions

Monday, December 08, 2008

An Elf Trap

My mom came across this idea by Kayla Lamoreaux and I thought I'd share it. It's an elf trap. Apparently elves are quite curious about the gifts under the tree. So mischievous little elves with extra time on their hands are busy peeking into the presents under our Christmas trees. With an elf trap, the elves get stuck inside of the box and the only way to get out is for them to leave candy.

To make your very own elf trap you'll need a box that can be opened and closed, some candy, and the cute poem about the elves by Kayla Lamoreaux found on her blog. Then find yourself a gullible young child or two and you're ready mess with some innocent young minds.

A note from my daughter who wants to help too:


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