A Little Less Wisdom
Yesterday I had two wisdom teeth pulled. Not fun. At least I got to watch a little bit of Olympics while they drilled away. It wasn't quite that bad. They only used the drill on the second one. The first one came in almost six years ago while I was pregnant with my son. The second one was just breaking the surface and coming in at an angle. In fact, it looked like this.
So now it's day two and I'm trying to work the painkillers into my daughters nap schedule so that I'll be coherent enough to take care of her and to make it to the bus stop this afternoon. I'm also trying to decide if I'm still content with my liquid diet. More lemon pudding and instant breakfasts just aren't sounding good anymore. Brownies are a soft food, right? Does the oven count as heavy machinery? I'm not allowed operate heavy machinery while taking Percocet.
Pain medicine wearing off.... I better go do something that doesn't require much effort on my part. Time to snuggle on the couch and watch Curious George on PBS!
The second tooth was a problem. It had four roots and was straddling the nerve. The oral surgeon thinks there might be a tiny sliver of root left in there, but it was too close to the nerve to go poking around without risking damage to the nerve. It was barely visible on the x-ray they took so he's not too worried about it, but I do get to go back next week just in case.
I was lucky to have several friends help us out yesterday. One friend watched my daughter during the surgery, another friend drove me there and back, another friend picked up my son from the bus stop, and someone I barely know brought us dinner. Too bad pizza doesn't fit into a liquid diet. I even had offers for more free babysitting after my son came home from school. By then I was well medicated and the kids were being good, so we just relaxed in front of the TV. My husband was great too. He came home early and took care of the kids and put them to bed. He even made me pudding and soup for my dinner.So now it's day two and I'm trying to work the painkillers into my daughters nap schedule so that I'll be coherent enough to take care of her and to make it to the bus stop this afternoon. I'm also trying to decide if I'm still content with my liquid diet. More lemon pudding and instant breakfasts just aren't sounding good anymore. Brownies are a soft food, right? Does the oven count as heavy machinery? I'm not allowed operate heavy machinery while taking Percocet.
Pain medicine wearing off.... I better go do something that doesn't require much effort on my part. Time to snuggle on the couch and watch Curious George on PBS!
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Oh that stinks but I am glad you are doing well! I had that done a few months ago. Mine were all the way in already though. Well hope your recovery is good!
Emily Marie, At
7:46 AM
many well wishes coming your way :)
Found your site and already hooked. take care or yourself!
Anonymous, At
7:50 AM
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